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Changing Name "Number"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:43 pm
by the.killing.44
Am I the only one who despises renaming all XML- or map-updated maps with a 2 (and so on I assume)? I mean, REVAMPs, okay, but it's just an XML update. Yuck.

Re: Changing Name "Number"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:50 pm
by Incandenza
Concur. Not a fan (especially since it's been irregularly implemented... I mean, I don't see any games on Canada 2 or Circus Maximus 2...)

Re: Changing Name "Number"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:06 am
by natty dread
I hereby declare that I agree with the previous posters.

Re: Changing Name "Number"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:11 am
by gimil
I believe this is done to force someone's web browser once a change has been made to a live map. If the little 2 isn't there someone may have an incorrect image cached causing problems when they play.

This should problem change back to normal once lack decides no on has the old images cached.

Re: Changing Name "Number"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:18 am
by MrBenn
It's a side-effect of the way that new/updated maps are uploaded, in addition to the caching problem.

I don't know all the technical details, but I've been informed that lack is working on something to fix it; it's apparently not as simple as just changing the name. I suspect it's to do with the change in image hosting?

Once the upload procedure has been fixed, it should mean that British Isles, Brazil, Germany, Vancouver, etc will revert to the proper name.