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What is your opinion on the foundy?

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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:40 am

You just do not seem to get it. I AM NOT HERE TO FIGHT. I think that all of this is pretty damn silly too.

I only want it to stop.

I have said so, oooooooooooooover and oooooooooooooover again.

What am I supposed to do ?

I have done nothing to anyone, So what am I supposed to apologize for. I am only here to try and see if someone will help me make them stop the harassing. And allow me to develop my projects. I am not stupid. I have been of considerable help on many maps. I know a thing or two.

There does not seem to be anyone that will stand up to these bullies. I think they are all afraid that they too, will receive the bullies wrath..

I just want to make my art and get help with the things that I do not know about making a good game from it.

I do not need or want to be told, how I MUST do something that is purely a subjective thing.
I do not mind suggestions in that area, and I have adopted many of them. Why can't they just make their suggestion and leave it at that ? If the artist chooses to take the advice, fine. If not, why do these power grabbers want to stomp their feet and say we know best. This is not your map, it is ours to direct. you now work for us, and must do exactly as we say. And if not you will be shut down.

I will not comply.
resistance is not futile.
And I will not be assimilated. :lol:

The guide clearly says that you should consider all suggestions. I do this. It does not say that I must adopt every suggestion that is given. Why don't they just change the wording in the guide, if it is to be something different. I am sure that I am not the first one to run into this discrepancy in the rules, and how they are not followed.

Either change them, or follow them. ...but one or the other.

I will tell you right now that if the guidelines were worded to reflect what the true nature of how this place is run, there would be even fewer aspiring map makers willing to take part.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby thenobodies80 on Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:13 am

porkenbeans wrote:I just want to make my art and get help with the things that I do not know about making a good game from it.

I think that this is the problem with your maps,porkenbeans. (no offense, only trying to be helpful :) )
First you have to develope a project with a good gameplay and then develope it in an artistic way, not the opposite. ;)
If you have problem to develope gameplay you should team up with someone or ask to someone that have experience in this type of things.
Don't forget that here maps are done to be make them pleasant for the eyes, a good gameplay make them wonderful to play.

you wrote that you want to stop it...i'm going to explain to you how to stop it in 5 minutes:
  • Back on your map and read again each single post thinking that they are about your map and not about you.
  • If someone pass the line, simply ignore him and use the report button
  • If someone give you a suggestion/critics you can say no, but explain your reasonable and objective reasons.
  • This is not your map, but the map made by you, it's different.
    A stupid example (but i think it works):
    who is the author of this painting? That painting is a "community things" with no owner. You said that you 're an artist and i want to give you an artist advice (by a pianist). Everything, everything that an artist do in his life is done to be shared with others.
    I don't see a real meaning in doing a map if all the people is saying that you're doing something wrong and that they will not play it.
    Pork, i don't know if you're able to paint the monalisa, i hope it for you, (and bow down to you in that case ;) )...but no meaning in paint a monalisa if you have to leave it in your cellar.
I hope it helps, but i don't want derail this discussion so if you want/like the idea,please send me a PM and we'll try to find the light at the end of this tunnel in which you are now. :)
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby WidowMakers on Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:20 am

I will say this again.

1) You were not instantly "blacklisted" when you started your maps. You were here for a while.
2) What events took place that put you on the path to being "blacklisted" by other people?

All you are saying is that you are blacklisted. WHY?

I can tell you right now, I have not found your maps desirable because I think they look bad. It has nothing to do with you.
I have made suggestions and explained why I felt that way. Many others have as well.
You then ignore most feedback and just say it is my vision. Well that does not work for anyone. And I would like you to know that no one (to my knowledge) has ever been able to just say "MY MAP I DON'T NEED TO LISTEN"

You continue to make maps that people have GFX and GP issues with (Romania, Jamaica, 150: Battle for God [this has good potential for GP right now IMO]).

Here are some suggestions/thoughts:
    1) Maybe instead of starting 5 projects and getting nowhere with all of them, just pick one.
    2) Then with that one map, focus on how to make it better.
    3) Listen to others, See what they mean with their suggestions. You may still find that your idea is better and once you show them and try to see their side of the story, you might find they are right.
    4) By listening and trying out others ideas, you show how you can work with others. Sometimes you will get to keep you idea (font, color, bonus setup) and sometimes you will not.
    5) This is a process of compromises. Give and take. Right now on these maps you are ignoring everyone who is saying "maybe rethink this area here" and calling them elitists. I have already state this but I have never gotten all I wanted in a map and ALL MY MAPS ARE BETTER FOR IT!

So again.
1) You were not instantly "blacklisted" when you started your maps. You were here for a while.
2) What events took place that put you on the path to being "blacklisted" by other people?

All you are saying is that you are blacklisted. WHY?

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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:36 am

As I read this thread, it started out as a good one and now it seems as it has gotten off track ...

natty_dread wrote:... and I hate to see this flame-war distracting people from the thing that really matters: making great maps.

IF I had the power I'd lock this thread down, or at the very least, move these flaming posts into Monkey Business so you guys can continue bickering there. So please if you want to continue, please take it to a more appropriate thread.

Now as far as my opinion of the foundry I like it, there are a lot of people who have good ideas and who are willing to help. Just wish there were more mods to help out.

That's all I have to say for now.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby MrBenn on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:00 pm

I've been meaning to have a look through this and sort out the off-topic conversation...

It's going to be kind of difficult to do, so I'll lock it while I see what I can do. Once I've been through it all, I'll unlock it again ;-)


edit: Right, I've hopefully sorted out the off-topic baiting/flaming into a separate thread: viewtopic.php?f=127&t=102501

Let the on-topic conversation continue!

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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:06 pm

Thank you nobodies,
I appreciate your effort to help me on this matter. But it seems that we are just going in circles. I was asked by the OP and others to provide solutions, to what I felt was the main problem with the Foundry. I have followed the conversation, and kept within line on the topic.
Why do people keep stating the same thing over and over again. I get it. I understand exactly where they are coming from. And I know now just what the operating procedures really are.

I laid out my solutions as asked, but instead of responding to them, I get a chorus of A team banter, about how my maps are bad, and that the A team knows best.

I asked-
If this is the way that the Foundry is truly structured, then why don't you simply change the guidelines to clearly state this fact ?

The contract states that the map maker shall retain full ownership of the map. It does not say that the owner of the map must obey all directives, that are handed down by senior Foundry members, that pertain to the artistic development of said map. Regarding this issue it only says, that all suggestions are to be considered. And then an explanation must be provided, if a suggestion is not adopted. This is NOT in actuality how it really works. and CC is violating there own contract.

Personally, I think that the stated guidelines is the way that it should be, and I have explained why I agree with the authors of the contract and the guide.

I was asked for my solution, and I gave it. Can we now continue the conversation from here-

I say, change the contract and guide to coincide with the with the true operating procedures, so that these problems can be avoided in the future. or...

Bring the Foundry back into line with the contract and guide.

Choose one, but to keep operating in this manner will only bring more of the same problems that we are having now.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby MrBenn on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:08 pm

Pork, I think your frustration comes from a misunderstanding of the copyright agreement which applies to completed maps - it is not a comment/contract relating to map development.

There is a restructure of the foundry in the pipeline; hopefully things will be clearer after that.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby yeti_c on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:31 pm

Hmmm - I'll think you'll find that my comments were bang on topic.

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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby Incandenza on Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:14 am

porkenbeans wrote:Then why is this fact disguised with words in the guidelines such as 'suggestions". Why not just come right out and say, that if you do not do what you are told by the A team, your project will not be allowed to go forward ? Why not just come out and say that, this is a collaborative effort, and all decisions regarding every aspect of your map, will be made by the foundry and its elite ? If you ask me it is wrong to give this power to the ones giving the helping hand. The power of approving maps for live play should be in the hands of the community. Not this small group of Foundry members that face it, are blind with power, and just can not wait to haze the next noob that dares to step foot in their Foundry.

I'd like to address this point in particular, as your argument has several fallacies. To be honest, you've been here long enough and should know better.

If you're looking for a place that will immediately and unreservedly embrace your idea, wrap it in white linen, and convey it bodily to final forge without challenging everything from theme to gameplay, then you sir are mistaken.

Not every map idea deserves to see the light of day. Obviously there are taboo subjects, like maps depicting Auschwitz or the Rwanda genocide or the Rape of Nanking. But there are also completely unsuitable subjects, and by unsuitable, much of the time I mean "boring". Someone could come in here full of piss and vinegar, determined to make a map of North Dakota. And I tell ya, unless the graphics and/or gameplay were simply transcendent, the foundry community would, by and large, tell the mapmaker that it's not worth the time and effort.

Also, you speak of a foundry elite. You make reference to an "A-team", whose edicts must be obeyed. I can tell you that this is simply not the case. We're just one big community here, and like it or not, you also are a part of the foundry community. Yes, you, porkenbeans, are a foundry insider. By my reckoning you've made over a hundred posts here, and have started over a half-a-dozen maps. That puts you in the 99th percentile of the CC forum community, and in the 99.99th percentile of the overall CC userbase. And this idea of an elite... like any community, there are people that have been in it a long time and have quite a bit of accumulated knowledge to bring to bear and pass along to more inexperienced members of the community. Certainly, anyone with a quenched map is probably listened to more attentively than someone who's never posted in the foundry, but that's how communities work. And more to the point, despite your assertions, the experienced members of the foundry do not speak with one voice. For instance, I recall several times where experienced foundrarians have expressed, sometimes profanely, grave reservations about some of cairnswk's maps. And cairns has made more maps than anyone here. By your reckoning, he's the elistist of the elite, and yet he's been subject to the same brutal criticism to which you have been.

You also seem to think that this foundry elite, which simply does not exist in the sense that you think it does, wishes to stifle your innovation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think of it this way: a map is composed of three essential elements: theme, graphics, gameplay. At this point in CC's history, a map really needs to excel in at least one of those areas, preferably two (three is probably asking too much, especially of inexperienced mapmakers). I guarantee that if you created a map with that absolutely nailed one of the three aforementioned elements, and were willing to accept constructive criticism about the other two elements, that the foundry community would be more than willing to help you see your map to completion. For whatever reason, you have yet to deliver the goods, which is hardly the fault of the foundry community (of which, lest you've forgotten, you are a part).

If you've experienced resistance in the mapmaking process, that simply means you need to work harder and create better maps. The foundry, as has been stated before, is the ultimate peer review system. Reputation doesn't matter, only the map does. Create a great map, and you'll understand.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:00 pm

You did not answer my main question.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby Incandenza on Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:35 pm

porkenbeans wrote:@Incan,
You did not answer my main question.

Apologies, what was the main question again?
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:24 pm

Incandenza wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:@Incan,
You did not answer my main question.

Apologies, what was the main question again?
It is pretty clear I think. Please read again. I am sure you will find it.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:04 am

porkenbeans wrote:@Incan,
You did not answer my main question.

You asked:
Why not just come right out and say, that if you do not do what you are told by the A team, your project will not be allowed to go forward ? Why not just come out and say that, this is a collaborative effort, and all decisions regarding every aspect of your map, will be made by the foundry and its elite ?

Incandenza answered by explaining that there is no such A Team or Foundry Elite that dictates every map. It's kind of like answering "How long have you been beating your wife?" with "I'm not married."

Yes, porkenbeans, you do have a point -- not about a secret elitist cabal but about the community's role in map development. There's nothing in the Foundry guidelines (which, by the way, are not a contract) that states that a map needs to appeal to the Foundry in general; only that there ought to be 'a reasonable amount of interest' in that map. That said, everyone who thinks, for example, that the space theme of 150 A.H. is a bad idea is perfectly correct in saying so -- the Foundry is all about free voicing of opinion. You offer the same rebuttals over and over, but overall all the 'quashing of your creative vision' that you perceive is just a number of individual people voicing the opinion, "I have little interest in this map as it is; if you changed the way the map looks I would have more interest in the map."

As for who gets to decide when a map has a 'reasonable amount of interest' -- yes, that's subjective; it's up to the cartography team to gauge that. But that's not a question of what the mods think of the map, it's how they perceive the community thinks about it, and that's a standard that applies to every map equally. Thus, if there's a group that needs to approve of a map, it's not a specific subset of the Foundry, but the Foundry community as a whole -- including you, and including anyone else who cares enough to post in your threads.

So if you need it explained to you explicitly that it takes a community to make a map: It takes a community to make a map. Yes, it's the mapmaker who considers advice, accepts some, turns some down, and puts together the finished product. But unless the cartography team sees that the map appeals to a wide group of people within the Foundry, they can't believe that it'll appeal very well to people outside the Foundry.

There are a lot of terrifically experienced people here, with a good sense for what works and what doesn't; people who put hours and hours into improving other people's maps. They do it because they want to help, and I'm thankful for that because for ninety-nine maps out of a hundred, someone in the Foundry will have a brilliant idea that the mapmaker would never have thought of themselves. And for one hundred maps out of a hundred, a mapmaker will try something out just doesn't work and people in the Foundry will let the author know. If all it took to make a map was filling out some objective checklist of requirements, half of Conquer Club's maps would look like their first draft versions, and the other half would look like their second draft versions -- look through a few threads and I'm sure you'll agree that's an awful way to go about. The Foundry community isn't just the only way to bring new maps to CC, it's the best way to bring new maps to CC (that doesn't involve actually paying people). And that is my opinion of the Foundry.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby isaiah40 on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:10 am

Well said Evil!!
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:27 am

@ evil,
Yes, I understand exactly what you are saying. I should have been even more blunt, instead of embellishing about the A team stuff. I will try again.

Why don't we make it more clear in the guide ?
I am sure that I am NOT the first to misunderstand it.
This problem can be avoided in the future, if we explain more clearly, just exactly what the process is.

You and others have explained it to me, and I believe that I fully understand it now.

My suggestion as to the solution that I was asked to give, is simply-

Why can't the guide be rewritten so that it is more clear, as pertaining to, exactly how the Foundry operates.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:42 am

porkenbeans wrote:Why can't the guide be rewritten so that it is more clear, as pertaining to, exactly how the Foundry operates.

Y'know, I tend to agree. There are definitely going to be changes to the guidelines with the whole 'restructuring' deal; might as well take the opportunity to put in some language about expectations and the role of the community. Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:39 pm

Evil DIMwit wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:Why can't the guide be rewritten so that it is more clear, as pertaining to, exactly how the Foundry operates.

Y'know, I tend to agree. There are definitely going to be changes to the guidelines with the whole 'restructuring' deal; might as well take the opportunity to put in some language about expectations and the role of the community. Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.
Finally, someone is hearing what I have been trying to say. =D>

It needs to be crystal clear, as to just what the feedback really means, and exactly how much weight it carries. Right now it gives the impression that the map maker only need to listen to all suggestions and then he is allowed to proceed as he sees fit. It does not say that he actually needs to incorporate whatever the majority opinion is. The wording gives the impression that the map maker is in charge of making his own decisions, after he has explained his reasons for them.

The problems that I have experienced as of late, and all the shouting and fighting that has ensued as a result, would never have happened, if the true structure of the Foundry was only worded in a less ambiguous and misleading fashion.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby the.killing.44 on Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:59 pm

Evil DIMwit wrote:Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.

I don't mean this to offend anyone, but the reason for this is most likely because of the variation of giving feedback, whereas there's an etiquette for receiving feedback that I don't find too hard to grasp and abide to. In the official guide it's said: "4. All sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided." I just don't see how this doesn't suffice and is so hard to adhere to.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:17 pm

porkenbeans wrote:Right now it gives the impression that the map maker only need to listen to all suggestions and then he is allowed to proceed as he sees fit. It does not say that he actually needs to incorporate whatever the majority opinion is. The wording gives the impression that the map maker is in charge of making his own decisions, after he has explained his reasons for them.

Well, the mapmaker doesn't have to incorporate the majority opinion, but more often than not the majority opinion -- after logical arguments have been given for both sides -- is a pretty good idea. In the end it is the mapmaker making the map, but a cooperative mapmaker is more likely to get a map through than a stubborn one.

the.killing.44 wrote:
Evil DIMwit wrote:Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.

I don't mean this to offend anyone, but the reason for this is most likely because of the variation of giving feedback, whereas there's an etiquette for receiving feedback that I don't find too hard to grasp and abide to. In the official guide it's said: "4. All sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided." I just don't see how this doesn't suffice and is so hard to adhere to.

Well, you'd think it'd be pretty commonsense, but we certainly don't want mapmakers using that clause as a license to be as obstinate as they want so long as they put together what, in their mind, qualifies for a logical rebuttal, and then expect to have their map pass through the Foundry with no further challenge.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby captainwalrus on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:19 pm

I think for a very long time they have kept the guidlines as they are and just let people sort of work with them as they interpreted them, and untill very very recently on a few maps, they have worked very well. What happened in 150 A.H. was a bunch of people just sayiing, this isn't working for me, and the mapmaker saying, well, I like it. There is nothing wrong with that, and if you think you know best, and by the end you will have a map that people will really want to play, then you don't have to listen to the masses just yet. By the end though, the point of the foundry is to make good maps for people to play, so if the majority of the people don't like it, the majority won't play it.
Just my two cents.

edit: Don't get me wrong, the graphics for 150 are great, just not for that perticular map.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:19 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:
Evil DIMwit wrote:Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.

I don't mean this to offend anyone, but the reason for this is most likely because of the variation of giving feedback, whereas there's an etiquette for receiving feedback that I don't find too hard to grasp and abide to. In the official guide it's said: "4. All sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided." I just don't see how this doesn't suffice and is so hard to adhere to.
Well 44, Until CC tells us which advice is "sound", It is left to the map maker to decide. ...Is it not ?
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby captainwalrus on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:21 pm

porkenbeans wrote:
the.killing.44 wrote:
Evil DIMwit wrote:Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.

I don't mean this to offend anyone, but the reason for this is most likely because of the variation of giving feedback, whereas there's an etiquette for receiving feedback that I don't find too hard to grasp and abide to. In the official guide it's said: "4. All sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided." I just don't see how this doesn't suffice and is so hard to adhere to.
Well 44, Until CC tells us which advice is "sound", It is left to the map maker to decide. ...Is it not ?

Yes it is. If just one schmuck says something that you really don't think is good, politely dissrregard it. If everyone says somethings, they might be on to something.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:22 pm

captainwalrus wrote:I think for a very long time they have kept the guidlines as they are and just let people sort of work with them as they interpreted them, and untill very very recently on a few maps, they have worked very well. What happened in 150 A.H. was a bunch of people just sayiing, this isn't working for me, and the mapmaker saying, well, I like it. There is nothing wrong with that, and if you think you know best, and by the end you will have a map that people will really want to play, then you don't have to listen to the masses just yet. By the end though, the point of the foundry is to make good maps for people to play, so if the majority of the people don't like it, the majority won't play it.
Just my two cents.

edit: Don't get me wrong, the graphics for 150 are great, just not for that perticular map.
Listening is one thing. Doing is another. Like I said the English needs to be more clear as to what they mean by the word "listen".
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:34 pm

captainwalrus wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:
the.killing.44 wrote:
Evil DIMwit wrote:Right now there is a "Giving and Receiving Feedback" guide, but it seems to deal much more with giving feedback than with receiving it.

I don't mean this to offend anyone, but the reason for this is most likely because of the variation of giving feedback, whereas there's an etiquette for receiving feedback that I don't find too hard to grasp and abide to. In the official guide it's said: "4. All sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided." I just don't see how this doesn't suffice and is so hard to adhere to.
Well 44, Until CC tells us which advice is "sound", It is left to the map maker to decide. ...Is it not ?

Yes it is. If just one schmuck says something that you really don't think is good, politely dissrregard it. If everyone says somethings, they might be on to something.
And they might be, NOT. Ask all those that looked step with the Nazis, just to go along with the crowd. But I am not going to try and voice my opinion any more on what I believe the guide should say. It only confuses people from the point of my suggestion. Do I have to keep repeating it ?

Why can't we make the guide crystal clear on this issue, so that we can avoid these silly squabbles ?

Please address this suggestion. Do you think that the guide is clear enough as it is ?
Have you ever tried to make a map ?

For someone new coming in to the Foundry to try to make a map, Like me. The guide is misleading. Plane and simple. If this were not so, I would not have had all of this strife.
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Re: What is your opinion on the foundy?

Postby captainwalrus on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:43 pm

Look. Here's the thing. The main purpose of the foundry is to make maps that the general CC community will like and have fun playing. So if the vast majority of people like a change, making that change will make a map that better suits the purpose of the foundry. While you in no way have to make the changes, you aren't going to get a map quenched if you disregard a huge majority on a major stiking point.
~ CaptainWalrus
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