Conquer Club

XML Modifications and Variations

Topics that are not maps. Discuss general map making concepts, techniques, contests, etc, here.

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Re: xml engine needs updating

Postby MrBenn on Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:38 am

There have been plenty of good ideas for XML updates in past months. The best of them have been compiled into a behind-the-scenes wishlist, but as with most site updates it up the will of the turtle that prevails ;-)
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Elimination Zone / Deployment Zone

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:45 am

Since the XML Modifications & variations thread is now locked with no new thread I would like to ask for a modification to be considered.

Suggestion Idea: Elimination Zone

Description: This would allow a mapmaker to create a continent and set it as an elimination zone. An elimination zone would be the only territories that count towards eliminating a player. When they were eliminated from this zone the game would be over for them, all of their forces outside of the zone would become an equal number of neutral armies.

Why It Should Be Considered: This would allow maps such as Research & Conquer to create two separate army zones independent of one another. You could create a tech tree that granted bonuses but could not be accessed by military forces.

Lack Label (Mod Use):

Suggestion Idea: Deployment Zone

Description: This would allow a mapmaker to create a continent and set it as a deployment zone. A deployment zone would be the only territories that you could deploy forces to.

Why It Should Be Considered: This would allow mapmakers to limit where bonuses could be deployed but still allow the players a choice. For instance if you has a tech tree you could limit it so no forces except autodeployed ones could be deployed there.

Lack Label (Mod Use):

Anyway that's just my thoughts on a possible new feature.

Love the game =)

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