JupitersKing wrote:Multiple Unit Types
Allows more than one type of unit in a game and assigns them point values for Attack and Defend.
We use one type for our games, infantry. Say infantry has a 2pv Attack Skill and a 2pv Defend Skil.
By allowing MUT you can included different units, with different values. Artillery, for instance, would have a more powerful 3pv Attack Skill, but because they are vulnerable their Defend pv would only be 1. Cavalry which is lightly armed would have a 1pv Attack Skill and because of their mobility and ability to disengage their Defend Skill would be 1pv.
This is far-fetched and ten years away but I wanted to put it out there. It would also require units to have hit points, which would be another five years away. Still, I wanted to post it anyway and see if there's any feedback.
Becomes less like risk and more like Warcraft.