Conquer Club

Do you want these maps?

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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby cairnswk on Fri May 29, 2009 12:55 pm

mibi wrote:....
They are niche maps, as are most of your maps cairns. There is certainly no harm done to CC with two extra maps in play, so its really about what you get out of it. If you don't enjoy the process, don't do it. If you do, carry on, no matter what the map subject is. You have certainly earned the right to develop any concept you see fit.

mibi, thanks for that. i am of the opinion that there are thousands of subjects that one could make into suitable maps for the site. And yes i still enjoy the process of creativity.

oaktown wrote:.....
I don't think he's looking for foundry approval, but for a broader opinion about these projects. Certainly cairnswk may carry on with both of these maps, but like any of us he doesn't want to spin his wheels making something that nobody cares for.

Good perception oaktown

On a more universal note, any and all of us have the right to develop any map they want to: rights as I perceive them aren't earned, privileges are earned. But I would argue (and I believe cairnswk feels the same way) that no mapmaker has earned the privilege of having any and all of his maps stamped and quenched, no matter how bad the map is. If an awful map is made by me, cairnswk, mibi, widowmakers, or anybody else, I would hope that the Foundry would step up and say something.

Here here! And indeed this was experienced in the development of Bamboo Jack, and Halloween Hollows. The foundry did not like these maps, and thus i had to re-work them until suitable material/map concept was found.

AndyDufresne wrote:I'm in partial agreement with a number of people---however I think Jamaica could be developed into a fine map if it went in a slightly different direction.

Could you give some indication of what that direction may be.
In its present state, this is the direction that those who have participated in the map have indicated that they wanted it to go in conjunction with the original concept.

I think Jamaica could have a larger role in Conquer Club than the other map---namely because if we keep creating Caribbean Islands and surrounding areas---heck---there's a tournament idea in there for someone! We've already have Haiti and Caribbean Islands---Mexico is currently in production, and I still think Hispanola would work well as a map.

In summation---Jamaica, though niche based, I think could develop more of a place on Conquer Club, with a slightly different direction, than Gallipoli.


I would like to see Gallipoli also available on CC, Andy.
1. the site only has one WW One map at present.
2. Gallipoli could also be used in argument towards the development of tournaments, since it is part of the parent Ottoman Empire map already quenched.
3. The site only has one map (i believe) that is RL war related where an invasion force from sea has direct consequences on the gameplay.
4. While the Entente were forced to withdrawn in this campaign and lost the battle, it would a nice "what-if" scenario for gamers.
5. It is true that there is a lot of text on the map at present, and yes this is part of the education process of this map, but i will try to reduce it for those concerned if this poll is successful.
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby oaktown on Fri May 29, 2009 2:20 pm

cairnswk wrote:I would like to see Gallipoli also available on CC, Andy.
5. It is true that there is a lot of text on the map at present, and yes this is part of the education process of this map, but i will try to reduce it for those concerned if this poll is successful.

If I were an Australian citizen, I'd be demanding a Gallipoli map. Apart from being one of the better Mel Gibson movies out there, the history of ANZAC and what went down at Gallipoli is both compelling and historically significant. While I voted No on the Gallipoli map that you're working on, i would vote a resound YES on a Gallipoli map that captured the spirit of the conflict and wasn't bogged down with multiple legends and what looks like hundreds of territory titles across the board. You can give a history lesson without naming every ship, general, and horse that was involved in the conflict. ;)
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby cairnswk on Fri May 29, 2009 7:12 pm

oaktown wrote:
cairnswk wrote:I would like to see Gallipoli also available on CC, Andy.
5. It is true that there is a lot of text on the map at present, and yes this is part of the education process of this map, but i will try to reduce it for those concerned if this poll is successful.

If I were an Australian citizen, I'd be demanding a Gallipoli map. Apart from being one of the better Mel Gibson movies out there, the history of ANZAC and what went down at Gallipoli is both compelling and historically significant. While I voted No on the Gallipoli map that you're working on, i would vote a resound YES on a Gallipoli map that captured the spirit of the conflict and wasn't bogged down with multiple legends and what looks like hundreds of territory titles across the board. You can give a history lesson without naming every ship, general, and horse that was involved in the conflict. ;)

Upon advice i have reduced the congestion on the map by removing the left legend and incorporating the gameplay instructions into the right legend, and also spaced the battleships and landing craft out a bit more. please refresh P1
To this extent, this would be as far as i would reduce this map less it not become the Galipoli Campaign.
No horses or generals remain, not that they were ever there.
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby oaktown on Fri May 29, 2009 11:02 pm

the specific discussions around the maps should go back into the map threads. As for this poll and this thread, both maps have shown more support than not; but when you consider that the typical "Do you like this map?" poll brings an 80% approval rate regardless of the map, I'd look at these results with a somewhat critical eye.
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby andy_is_awesome on Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:52 pm

NO on both,

If we make a map of every country, city, suburb in the world we will have 1,000,000,000,000,000 maps. (trust me I counted).
From a gameplay perspective it's the same old thing, just a new location.

But if Italy, Australia, Brazil, Pearl Harbor, Vancouver, etc., etc., etc., aren't enough then go ahead and quench it.
I guess they're just as good as the maps we already have.
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby cairnswk on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:02 pm

andy_is_awesome wrote:NO on both,

If we make a map of every country, city, suburb in the world we will have 1,000,000,000,000,000 maps. (trust me I counted).
From a gameplay perspective it's the same old thing, just a new location.

But if Italy, Australia, Brazil, Pearl Harbor, Vancouver, etc., etc., etc., aren't enough then go ahead and quench it.
I guess they're just as good as the maps we already have.

Then the outcome of your theory is that all mapmakers should stop production now until the site comes up with some new assault/xml modifications. Is that what you really want?
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:38 am

lt.pie wrote:You make the best maps so naturally i voted yes for both ;)

I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with It.pie !!
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:58 am

And I guess I should explain !!
Cairnswk - Don't let the bastards grind you down !! I've enjoyed all of your maps, most especially the historical ones, - you really do do your homework ! Your Waterloo is a "classic" & your Gallipoli, IS (really now) A MUST !! (Also Trafalger !). Give me a Battle of Midway, & Battle for the Falklands, and my favourite battle list would be complete :) Keep up the good work, & great to see you back !!
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby andy_is_awesome on Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:33 pm

cairnswk wrote:
andy_is_awesome wrote:NO on both,

If we make a map of every country, city, suburb in the world we will have 1,000,000,000,000,000 maps. (trust me I counted).
From a gameplay perspective it's the same old thing, just a new location.

But if Italy, Australia, Brazil, Pearl Harbor, Vancouver, etc., etc., etc., aren't enough then go ahead and quench it.
I guess they're just as good as the maps we already have.

Then the outcome of your theory is that all mapmakers should stop production now until the site comes up with some new assault/xml modifications. Is that what you really want?

You are either being closed minded or you misunderstand me. There are plenty of maps on CC that have exciting and unique gameplay.
To name just a few:
-Age of Realms
-Arms Race
-Circus Maximus
-Poker Club
-Supermax: Prison Riot
-Treasures of the Galapagos

These maps take a special type of strategy, because they are very unique.
And then there are others where you can just plug and play. If you are strategically sound in classic you can be dropped into dozens and dozens of other maps that you have never played before and you would be absolutely fine, because they are essentially the same. There is no difference between North America, USA, CCU, Classic, Brazil, Australia, High Seas. Same gameplay, new location.

The players that prefere classic gamestyle and just like to experience new boards will probably love these maps.
Other players that don't get much out of a new location and are looking for unique gameplay are probably not going to like these maps.
To each his own. The thread is "Do you want these maps?" I fall into the latter and I am just giving my opinion. Take it or leave it.
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby jesusfreak16 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:45 pm

I would probably play Jamaica, but Gallipoli looks a bit crowded... (but that's just my opinion)
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby LFAW on Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:46 am

I don't know what the hell the mods are playing at in this thread,

Cairns, you are one of CC's most valuable workers, a true genius when it comes to Mapmaking. When I see comments like Gimils I just think why should anyone bother to do anything for the site?

Don't let them bring you down Cairns, keep on working because every map that comes out of the foundry with your name on it is truly a work of art, I love all your maps and would love to see BOTH churned out of the foundry.

Oh and as for it not being your best? Its still 400% better then what the average member on CC can do. :)

Thanks Cairns for all the hard work!

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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:00 am

You have an ever growing audience of people who love your maps. While they may not be for everybody on CC, they surely have a nice following. Yes on both and keep up the good work!

P.S. Battle of Gettysburg perhaps?
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby BoganGod on Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:23 am

keep up the good work, pretty butterfly. Maybe post a link for the aussie or kiwi war memorial as history for gal map? Jamacia looks a bit less reading intensive. But both look fun. Cheers Mate
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby cairnswk on Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:50 pm

About 13 hours to go for this poll.
Let's see....

Yes case.
Jamaica 30
Gallipoli 30

No case
Jamaica 20
Gallipoli 21
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:08 pm

I voted yes to both. I like your maps, so go for it.

Oh and cairns, are you stalking my ancesters? A great uncle of mine died at Gallipoli, a distant relative served at Trafalgar and another died in Jamaica. I havent found one at Waterloo yet, but perhaps you know something I dont. :-s
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Re: [POLL] Do you want these maps?

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:14 pm

Gypsys Kiss wrote:I voted yes to both. I like your maps, so go for it.

Oh and cairns, are you stalking my ancesters? A great uncle of mine died at Gallipoli, a distant relative served at Trafalgar and another died in Jamaica. I havent found one at Waterloo yet, but perhaps you know something I dont. :-s

LOL! thanks Gypsys Kiss!
Unfortunately, i don't know any of your rellies from Waterloo, did you look in the mud quagmire after the battle. ;)
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Re: Do you want these maps?

Postby MrBenn on Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:35 pm

Poll Result

Do you want Jamaica and/or Gallipoli revived?
Poll ended at Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:05 pm

Both Maps - Yes... 42... 41%
Jamaica - Yes... 11... 11%
Gallipoli - Yes... 9... 9%
Both Maps - No... 28... 27%
Jamaica - No... 6... 6%
Gallipoli - No... 7... 7%

Total votes : 103

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