Moderator: Cartographers
cairnswk wrote:Suggestion Idea: Happiness Builders
Description: "Main" territory called Cheyenne has one or two other happiness territories attached to it called Social Club and Saloon.
These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy.
2. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
3. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
Why It Should Be Considered: this is almost now possible in normal gameplay, but having the maintanence facility would add another dimension to gameplay.
cairnswk wrote:Suggestion Idea: Happiness Builders
Description: "Main" territory called Cheyenne has one or two other happiness territories attached to it called Social Club and Saloon.
These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy.
2. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
3. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
Why It Should Be Considered: this is almost now possible in normal gameplay, but having the maintanence facility would add another dimension to gameplay.
rdsrds2120 wrote:...
So, could this be expanded into something in the xml that checks/compares troop values?
greenoaks wrote:...
awesome idea.
is this something your idea would allow - if you conquer a territory and don't hold x amount of troops on it for x number of turns, it revolts (turns neutral)
cairnswk wrote:Suggestion Idea: Happiness Builders
Description: "Main" territory called Cheyenne has one or two other happiness territories attached to it called Social Club and Saloon.
These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy.
2. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
3. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
Why It Should Be Considered: this is almost now possible in normal gameplay, but having the maintanence facility would add another dimension to gameplay.
These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
<neutral killer="yes" value="3">5</neutral
1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy.
<bonus type="conditional" required="3">2</bonus>
2. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
3. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
thenobodies80 wrote:cairnswk wrote:Suggestion Idea: Happiness Builders
Description: "Main" territory called Cheyenne has one or two other happiness territories attached to it called Social Club and Saloon.
These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy +1 or +2 or whatever is set in the code for these territories.
2. if you fail to keep them at 3 or above, they will revert to neutral (whatever value let's say n3) thus disenabling the autodeploy function.
3. and you have to assault them again and put 3 or more troops on them again to get the autodeploy to work again.
4. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
5. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
Why It Should Be Considered: this is almost now possible in normal gameplay, but having the maintanence facility would add another dimension to gameplay.
I understand what you want and it's interesting, but there are some things to consider:These resource territories will decay to neutral unless they are maintained at a certain level, let's say 3.
You're saying that if a player has less than 3 troops on that region, it turns neutral?
.2. if you fail to keep them at 3 or above, they will revert to neutral (whatever value let's say n3)
Or do you mean it is a decay?
In the first case, it looks a modification to the current killer neutrals. We might change neutral tag to allow a second option into the tag, let me say a value="X", where X is the minimum value to not activate the neutral.
Written as code it could be like this:
- Code: Select all
<neutral killer="yes" value="3">5</neutral
That region will start with 5 neutral troops and it will revert to 5 again if the troops on it are less than 3.
To keep it valid for existent maps we can make that if value is not specified, then the territory is always a killer neutral.
Instead, if you mean that it needs to decay, so have a negative bonus, it can't turn to neutral. Decay has effect only if the number of troops on a region is bigger than 1. If i'm not wrong someone suggested a "decay to neutral" feature.
<neutral decay="yes" value="1">3</neutral>
Then,1. if you keep them at 3 or above, they will autodeploy.
If in the previous part you mean decay, this is not possible, being decay an autodeploy.
To make it possible we need to extend the bonus tag into the territory, creating some options, same system used for collections, but for regions.
- Code: Select all
<bonus type="conditional" required="3">2</bonus>
In the above example, one bonus is fixed and it is the decay. The other activates only if you have at least 3 troops on the region. the dacay bonus works all time and they sum up so from 3 troops you will receive a total of +1 troops autodeployed.
2. you can add to them with deployment to keep them from falling below 3 as long as you hold them (conditional border which we know have)
Yes, although I don't understand which is the connection with conditional borders.You can always deploy on a region you hold. If you mean to fort, yes you can as long as you hold the condition, that in most of cases it means the whole turn.
3. you can fort off them if you hold Cheyenne, but only as much as it will allow you to continue receiving autodeploys from them.
This is really interesting, but i fear also tricky to do. It is a part i would leave out from this suggestion for now.
thenobodies80 wrote:Yes, but not "only as much as it allow you to continue receiving the autodeploys from them."
You can fort as you want, fortification has no lower limits different than 1
-=- Tanarri -=- wrote:Suggestion Idea: Minimum troops for bonus
Description: Allow bonuses to be dependent on a minimum number of troops being present on a specific territory by the beginning of the player's turn.
Why It Should be Considered: It would add some interesting new dimensions to gameplay. The reasoning behind this could be something like needing at least 10 troops to maintain order in a given city/area in order to gain money, raise troops, or enslave some population.
EricPhail wrote:-=- Tanarri -=- wrote:Suggestion Idea: Minimum troops for bonus
Description: Allow bonuses to be dependent on a minimum number of troops being present on a specific territory by the beginning of the player's turn.
Why It Should be Considered: It would add some interesting new dimensions to gameplay. The reasoning behind this could be something like needing at least 10 troops to maintain order in a given city/area in order to gain money, raise troops, or enslave some population.
For continent type bonuses I'm not sure I like this, but for auto-deploys this is something I could get behind (eg auto-deploy 1 always, 2 if 5 troops on the territory, 3 if 15 on a castle or similar) as it brings more to the strategy on them.
Could also be interesting with decays (effectively a maximum of troops that can be fully supplied there, more and you suffer losses)
EricPhail wrote:-=- Tanarri -=- wrote:Suggestion Idea: Minimum troops for bonus
Description: Allow bonuses to be dependent on a minimum number of troops being present on a specific territory by the beginning of the player's turn.
Why It Should be Considered: It would add some interesting new dimensions to gameplay. The reasoning behind this could be something like needing at least 10 troops to maintain order in a given city/area in order to gain money, raise troops, or enslave some population.
For continent type bonuses I'm not sure I like this, but for auto-deploys this is something I could get behind (eg auto-deploy 1 always, 2 if 5 troops on the territory, 3 if 15 on a castle or similar) as it brings more to the strategy on them.
Could also be interesting with decays (effectively a maximum of troops that can be fully supplied there, more and you suffer losses)
-=- Tanarri -=- wrote:
Or for the decay, it could be that you need to have a certain number of troops on a territory or you end up getting decay on the territory. A thematic explanation could be needing to have a certain number of troops to maintain control/order or else the territory begins to rebel.
The Neon Peon wrote:I have just one thing to suggest:
Suggestion Idea: If... Then statements
Description: Allow everything in the xml to be placed in an if...then statement: territories, borders, victory conditions, bonuses, autodeploys, etc.
Why It Should Be Considered: Anything can be done with if..then statements.
Sorry about writing so little. My 'e' key is broken, so I am having to use copy and paste, which is very tedious. But I think most people can figure out for themselves what can be done with them... conditional borders and autodeploys were two that were already mentioned.
dolomite13 wrote:Probably asked for before...
Suggestion Idea: Commanders
Description: If assigned during setup a player could be given a number of commanders that need to be placed with troops (or set up randomly). These would be represented by an asterisk (*) after the unit number in a location. For example c88*. A territory could only ever have one commander in it. When they are in a territory that is conquered they are eliminated. Territories with commanders would roll an additional die on both offense and defense. When assaulting with a commander you would be asked if you want to move the commander when you conquer a territory. Additionally you would be given an opportunity to move commanders during reinforcements following normal rules (one move for regular games, unlimited in unlimited, trench is one space etc...)
Again I know this would be considerable engine work on top of just xml. But could be fun for map makers and players alike.
Aleena wrote:dolomite13 wrote:Probably asked for before...
Suggestion Idea: Commanders
Description: If assigned during setup a player could be given a number of commanders that need to be placed with troops (or set up randomly). These would be represented by an asterisk (*) after the unit number in a location. For example c88*. A territory could only ever have one commander in it. When they are in a territory that is conquered they are eliminated. Territories with commanders would roll an additional die on both offense and defense. When assaulting with a commander you would be asked if you want to move the commander when you conquer a territory. Additionally you would be given an opportunity to move commanders during reinforcements following normal rules (one move for regular games, unlimited in unlimited, trench is one space etc...)
Again I know this would be considerable engine work on top of just xml. But could be fun for map makers and players alike.
Like this idea of commander...
But the bonus the commander would give should be also assigned...
Bonus 1 option: Add 1 Die to defensive rolls only
Bonus 2 option Add 1 Die to attacking rolls only
Bonus 3 option Add 1 Die to both attacking and defending (as stated in original idea)
Bonus 4 option Add "X" value to defending die roll (Add a preset value instead of a roll from 1 to 6)
Bonus 5 option Add "X" value to attacking die roll (Add a preset value instead of a roll from 1 to 6)
Bonus 6 option Add "X" value to both
Bonus 7 option Autodeploy "X" units on commander (a mobile autodeploy - might be good for Zombie game, or see as commander recruiting)
Bonus 8 option All units with commander in Fog (A clocked commander) maybe good for espionage maps where a player could have a spy that can move around not showing his strength or his loyalty.. So when attacking players do not know which player just attacked them.
Bonus 9 Commander For with hidden Trail (Same as above, except, when commander leaves a space - it turns to Neutral 1 behind them, to lot leave evidence of what player/nation controls it)
Bonus10 Ranged Commander - Allows what ever space it is in to be able to bombard a location 2 spaces away from what ever space it is currently on. So the commander can melee attack the adjacent space, or bombard the space beyond the adjacent space.
Just a few ideas...
WidowMakers wrote:captainwalrus wrote:the.killing.44 wrote:I personally won't play any map with a dice adjustment. Terrible idea that ruins the integrity of R*sk.
but what about this....
Suggestion Idea: Different Sided Dice
Allow different types of dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20) for different territories or maps
Game engine just randomizes based on the type od die used.
Why It Should Be Considered:
Territory types and locations can be given more or less bonus but higher die values.
GP tweaks can be made with dice and with bonus structures
-Now a tank (d8) will be more powerful than a soldier (d6).
-A mountain fortress receives very little bonus (bad strategic location for new troops to get to)
but get d10 dice due to the very good strategic location.
d6 vs d6 [1-6 vs 1-6] even
d6+3 vs d6 [4-9 vs 1-6] not fair not even
d8 vs d6 [ 1-8 vs 1-6] uneven but fair
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