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Another XML question!

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Another XML question!

Postby Ashbi on Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:32 am

Sorry if this doesn't belong here,

next question about XML processing :?

My workflow has to read in hundreds of XML files. In another thread I had the question how to check which XML nodes exits or not and handle with it. Thanks again to @takbb for supporting me.

Now my workflow ist running but - bang - the XML Reader Node chrashs because the content of the XML file is corrupt. If I open th XML file e.g. with Notepad++ the content look like mess

Maybe you can guess my question :wink: How can I handle this error in my workflow while the workflow reads the XML file?

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New Recruit Ashbi
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Re: Another XML question!

Postby Fuchsia tude on Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:52 am

Sounds like that's a problem with whichever app you're using to generate that XML. It's not a reading problem--as you say, Notepad++ shows the content as gibberish--it's properly reading bad content. The problem is that the XML is not being created properly in the first place.
Sergeant 1st Class Fuchsia tude
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Re: Another XML question!

Postby waderatke on Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:37 pm

Ashbi wrote:Sorry if this doesn't belong here,

next question about XML processing :?

My workflow has to read in hundreds of XML files. In another thread I had the question how to check which XML nodes exits or not and handle with it. Thanks again to @takbb for supporting me.

Now my workflow ist running but - bang - the XML Reader Node chrashs because the content of the XML file is corrupt. If I open th XML file e.g. with Notepad++ the content look like mess

Maybe you can guess my question :wink: How can I handle this error in my workflow while the workflow reads the XML file?


The majority of workflow platforms let you set up different nodes' error handling. Create a "Try-Catch" block surrounding the node of the XML reader.
The "Catch" block will be activated in the event that the parsing fails (due to corrupt data), enabling you to handle the problem graciously.
New Recruit waderatke
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Re: Another XML question!

Postby Thomas Wright on Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:56 pm

By creating a "Try-Catch" block around the XML reader node, you can configure error handling for separate nodes. If the parsing fails (due to faulty data), the "Catch" block will be activated, allowing you to gracefully manage the issue.
New Recruit Thomas Wright
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