generalhead wrote:Great topic. I have the link below my signature, but was wondering the same as you wrote here. The more traffic
we get in the foundry the better.
I just thought of a great, and EASY, way to at least track the amount of people clicking through our signatures.
Instead of using the actual URL of my map page, I took that URL and using Googles URL shrinker ( I turned it into a tiny-url which I used in my signature instead of the actual URL. Just log in with your google account before you shrink it and you'll be able to come back to and track the click throughs. It will also show you where the clicks are coming from geographically, as well as the browser, and some other interesting info. My signature is actually made up of three separate images and urls with no spaces so they all line up. It's not perfect, and has no hits in the 11 hrs since I set it up, but we'll see.
This can easily be done for any links you have and want to track.