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Stamping to hard?

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Stamping to hard?

Postby captainwalrus on Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:50 pm

In my opinion, the stamping seems to be too hard. IMO, maps should be stamped quicker and stay in beta longer. Some this doesn't work, like graphics and final forge and xml but this would really help with gameplay. The graphics, could be a little easier. For example, Das Schollass, Trafalger, and Iron curtain, IMHO deserve graphics stamps. I think the stamps would be better if they were used more as checkpoints, so the graphics or gameplay don't need to be perfect, but they need to be almost there. The final products would not need to change, but there should be slightly eaiser stamping, and then more of the nitpicking could go on in the Final Forge.
Just my suggestion to improve things a little.
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Re: Stamping to hard?

Postby TaCktiX on Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:04 pm

I don't think we should use Beta as a crutch, ever. For the first 90 or so maps of CC's existence, it wasn't even necessary. Only "there's no way we could have known" Das Schloss changed that. It's a good thing to have a Beta period for where the few mistakes drop through the cracks, or gameplay is just too hard to tell if it's balanced before play, but to throw everything through the system faster and to make beta a pile of bugs, imbalances, and graphical misfires as a result is just moving the work from the Main Foundry (where it belongs) to the Final Forge. The polishing MUST be done, and I for one say that where it happens now is where it should stay.
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Re: Stamping to hard?

Postby captainwalrus on Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:29 pm

I'm not saying that bad maps should be put into beta, I'm just saying maps could be put into beta mabey a version or 2 earlier and stay in 2 or 3 versions longer.
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Re: Stamping to hard?

Postby TaCktiX on Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:06 pm

Truth be told, the last 5 or 6 versions of any map are just nitpicks and XML updates, the latter of which are very necessary. There's no reasonable way to "shorten" the process without moving the bulk of a map's work from the main Foundry to somewhere else.
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Re: Stamping to hard?

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:25 pm

Guys, as much as some of the nitpicking really annoys me, it is necessary, and i myself would prefer it get done in the Foundry, but in Final Forge. I have long held the belief that final forge should be XML stuff and centering, and perhaps stuff that has fallen through the cracks. Part of the Graphics stamping process is that you have to present a karge and small map.
It is really annoying if you have to adjust two maps with minor details when it should have been worked ou before maps go into small and large versions.
Sorry captainwalrus, i understand you want to play these maps, but they are being worked on, and one can only proceed as fast as the posters and mods, and they don't get in here everyday. ;)
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Re: Stamping to hard?

Postby captainwalrus on Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:07 pm

*sigh* I will have to wait and I get the reasoning, it is just sort of like when you see all the cool new stuff in the store and you have to wait untill next week untill you can get our hands on any of it.
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