Here is my take on it.
First off you all know that I mostly concentrate on the graphical side of the map.
Many of my maps have been revamps where the game play was already done and all I needed to do was express my vision for the map.
I really go over my ideas around graphics and how I approach/decide them for a map in an editorial in one of the Foundry Newsletters.
viewtopic.php?p=1744911#p1744911But to simply put it, while graphics alone do not make a good map, neither does game play.For instance game play is really just the XML. I don't think anyone here (although it is possible) would want to play a map using only the XML as a guide.
People play chess over email with only text and moves and no board. If both parties had the XML and a chart of territories for a map, they could play each other and the GP would be the same.
But the experience would be TOTALLY different.
-The graphics of a map tell the story of the XML/game play.
-The graphics are used to visually explain the game.
How many times have you wanted to describe a map to someone else who has not seen CC.
Do you show them the XML pages or the map images? I think we know that answer.
Now while super cool realistic graphics might not be needed to make a map play better, poor, unreadable, crappy looking graphics can make it play worse.
My opinion is that graphics tell the story of the XML. And as we have seen from many revamps and map competitions, the XML is the same but it is the visual images that set the maps apart from each other.
So..... -Graphics should NOT BE the only reason for a map to advance. (A pretty picture with no territories is not a good map)
-Game Play (XML) should NOT BE the only reason for a map to advance. (A cool concept that has finished XML and GP but that cannot be well represented (either by talent or size limitations [not enough room for rules or # of territories] is not a good map)
-A blended combination of both is needed to make any map succeed.
The problem is that when people spend time making a map, they get attached to them. I have made many maps that I thought were good. I spent hours making them.
I then posted the ideas and people said they were bad. Instead of arguing about why I thought they were good, or refusing to make changes based on other peoples suggestion I just listened to the advice and moved on.
Most of the time anyway, peoples suggestions turned out to be good. And many times just making that change was actually easier that arguing about why I shouldn't
I have never personally had anyone tell me a map was bad because they did not like me. (as far as I know) I have only experienced people telling me that my maps were bad when they were bad ideas.
I think this discussion is trying to find out why and how people look and like maps.
My suggestion is that each map be looked in these ways: 1) Has the author already made maps?
a) If yes, then does this map look better or is it suited for the theme of the map? Could the person do better?
b) If no, then is there anything that they are missing that experienced map makers can help with?
2) Don't give a map maker a pass on anything just because they have made maps you like.
3) Does the GP/XML make for a fun map.
a) It is really confusing (i.e. can the instructions on the map tell the whole story properly)
b) Is it setup to be fun and make sense (i.e not broken)
This is a process and not all ideas will make it. If a map maker you like has a map idea that is not good or could be better, TELL THEM. We would all be better off if people, politely, told everyone when they have bad ideas.
If I ever have a bad idea, PLEASE tell me. I would rather more people tell me an idea is bad and stop working on it that have no one let me know and make a crappy looking/playing map because people don't want to hurt my feelings.
If I ever have a map that can be made better, less/more texture, smaller/larger text, more/less color, different font, more borders, less territories, higher/lower bonuses, whatever, please let me know.
Everything that is made in the foundry should be of the best quality. If it is a bad idea with good image KILL IT!
If it is a good idea with bad image FIX IT!
If it is a good idea with bad image and the author refuses to fix it, KILL IT!
Making a map is a privilege not a right. Not everyone can make a map but everyone can try.
All new maps (GFX and GP) should be held to the highest standards and not allowed to "sneak through" because of a cartos past experience, maps or position.WM