1. Decay and Killer-Neutral
I'm sorry if this has been asked before - I had a look around.
I am wondering if Decay and Killer-Neutral Can be conditional?
What I mean is, if a certain special territory is held, then the decay and killer neutral functions stop. It could be interesting.
Here's a hypothetical example of what I'm on about:
In Oasis, if any player holds all (or part of) the Central Oasis then decay is turned off. This would mean that other players dont lose armies in the desert while they try and stop the person in the central oasis.
In this example, the gameplay might not change much but could be interesting for new, objective maps (making the objective harder at the end - if the objective is beyond a killer neutral and that is off then other players could get to the obective territory more easily).
2. Auto-Deploy
Can auto-deploy be used for a combination of territories (e.g. on a three-territory continent, the bonus is auto-deployed on one of the territories)?
3. Armies for Number of Territories
I think I've already read the answer to this - I believe the armies for number of territories can be fixed differently (e.g. All players get 4 no matter how many territs they occupy).
3. Armies Deployed at the 'drop'
Is this set at 3 - or could it be a different number (e.g. players have 4 armies on each terit at the start)?