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Age of Discoveries [24/10] [P5] [V9]

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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [23/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:30 pm

Big map added

Arama86n wrote:Nice innitiative here Arman, best of luck fielding it =D>

generalhead wrote:Nice graphics =D>

Thanks guys. Apreciated :)
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:06 am

nice armando!
hu, just learned that nagasaki was portuguese! didn't know any western power ever controlled something in japan!
You also had Cochin in souther India and Colombo in sri lanka. And yes, the gameplay looks a bit chinese to me right now to tell the truth... but i love the design!

what happened to your lisbon map?
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby JohnAarson on Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:32 am

Great concept, mate! I really hope we'll be able to play in this map some day! :D
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby DearCyrus on Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:24 pm

The gameplay concept seems pretty unique, even if it is a little confusing at first. I really like the texture to your map and I think your colorization and use of the faded murals is excellent. Keep it up, I'm excited to see where this goes!
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:43 am

betiko wrote:nice armando!
hu, just learned that nagasaki was portuguese! didn't know any western power ever controlled something in japan!
You also had Cochin in souther India and Colombo in sri lanka. And yes, the gameplay looks a bit chinese to me right now to tell the truth... but i love the design!

what happened to your lisbon map?

Thanks mate.Lisbon map was abandoned due to the lack of interest generated
JohnAarson wrote:Great concept, mate! I really hope we'll be able to play in this map some day! :D

I hope so too.Thanks :)
DearCyrus wrote:The gameplay concept seems pretty unique, even if it is a little confusing at first. I really like the texture to your map and I think your colorization and use of the faded murals is excellent. Keep it up, I'm excited to see where this goes!

Thanks.It looks confusing but is very simple :geek:
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:36 am

Anything you think is not working, graphically speaking?
Any thoughts about game play?
Do you think autodeploy in the 2 nations is enough?maybe 2?
What about aditional bonus apart from pair of resources.Find anything interesting?maybe holding a whole sea route or a whole colony?
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Teflon Kris on Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:12 am

Armandolas wrote:Anything you think is not working, graphically speaking?
Any thoughts about game play?
Do you think autodeploy in the 2 nations is enough?maybe 2?
What about aditional bonus apart from pair of resources.Find anything interesting?maybe holding a whole sea route or a whole colony?

Depends if you want a bonus-monkey map.

Many players will find you have enough bonuses :-)
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:39 am

Teflon Kris wrote:
Armandolas wrote:Anything you think is not working, graphically speaking?
Any thoughts about game play?
Do you think autodeploy in the 2 nations is enough?maybe 2?
What about aditional bonus apart from pair of resources.Find anything interesting?maybe holding a whole sea route or a whole colony?

Depends if you want a bonus-monkey map.

Many players will find you have enough bonuses :-)

im absolutely no fan of bonus-monkey maps
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Seulessliathan on Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:04 am

Do you have fixed starting positions? If yes, where are they? Is it possible to play it with 12 players?
Looks really interesting so far.
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:35 am

Seulessliathan wrote:Do you have fixed starting positions? If yes, where are they? Is it possible to play it with 12 players?
Looks really interesting so far.

Not planning on fixed starting positions
I guess it should be able to hold 12 players, since there are 47 regions that i plan to not start neutrals(priests,ships and conquistadores).
I 1st thought about only having the priests and conquistadores starting non-neutral, but then in a 12 pl game people would start with only 2 regions.
Anyway this is the basic idea, but im very versatile to change things for better gameplay experience and many advices to follow.

Check version with armies to a better understanding

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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Kabanellas on Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:34 am

Hi Armandolas!

There are a couple of things that got me confused. Those sea routs that come from Portugal and Spain connect colonies, and I got it. But the connection to both countries is just a formal aspect right? It brings no implications to the game-play? Meaning that you can't access those countries by sea routes (though you might be led to think you do)

Also, on Goa you have those lines meeting the ship icon, while that on Guine'Bissau they meet the little square inset. It's the same effect? If so it should be represented coherently.

In terms of game-play, not really sure (yet) if this can be a problem or not. But you have one cluster (Nueva Espana / Nueva Granada and Chile) that have a big advantage over other colonies... all connected and sharing more than 1 type of resource.

...Keep the good work :)
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby t-o-m on Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:17 pm

Hi Armandolas

This map is beautiful! I can't wait to play it!

A few small things
- in the title "In the 1500's [...]" there shouldn't be an apostrophe
- I love the style of this map. It sets the tone of the map so well. But I'm not a fan of the bevel on the land, if this was a map from the 1500s there wouldn't be any 3D effects, I think it'd look great flat.
- the dotted lines which are attack routes don't fit thematically as well. This is just an idea, but maybe think about how the ships may have been sailed. For example, the route from Timor to Goa, maybe the ship wouldn't have gone straight arcoss the ocean, but contoured the land somewhat? And perhaps a ship makes a navigation error between Guine Bissau and Angola, or Filipinas and Peru, and so the dotted line does a loop de loop, for example (but not exactly like this):
Click image to enlarge.

I think this could add some humour and even more character to an already great looking map. As for the dots themselves, I'm not totally sold on the colours and I think the dots could have a tad more spacing between them. Have you tried using some lines instead? E.g. ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€”

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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:13 am

Kabanellas wrote:There are a couple of things that got me confused. Those sea routs that come from Portugal and Spain connect colonies, and I got it. But the connection to both countries is just a formal aspect right? It brings no implications to the game-play? Meaning that you can't access those countries by sea routes (though you might be led to think you do)

Portugal and Spain are just a starting point for those routes(they have tome from somewhere) So if you hold one of those countries you can assault any port directly connected there(Cabo Verde and Cuba)
But from cabo verde or cuba you cant attack the countries. Like it says in the legend the Nations are only attacked by the social classes
Maybe if i get a one direction arrow on start of the route , that feel goes away?

Kabanellas wrote:Also, on Goa you have those lines meeting the ship icon, while that on Guine'Bissau they meet the little square inset. It's the same effect? If so it should be represented coherently.

Yes they are supposed to go and come from the ship. Still need to find the better layout for my searoutes

Kabanellas wrote:In terms of game-play, not really sure (yet) if this can be a problem or not. But you have one cluster (Nueva Espana / Nueva Granada and Chile) that have a big advantage over other colonies... all connected and sharing more than 1 type of resource.

Chile is not connected with nueva granada and neither is with nueva espana. But i can understand your point of view. What i think is, there are so many connections and so many borders and connection points there , that would be difficult to have such a dominance

Kabanellas wrote:Hi Armandolas! ...Keep the good work :)

Thanks mate, allways happy to receive feedback from are my map hero ...hahah
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:10 am

t-o-m wrote:- in the title "In the 1500's [...]" there shouldn't be an apostrophe
- I love the style of this map. It sets the tone of the map so well. But I'm not a fan of the bevel on the land, if this was a map from the 1500s there wouldn't be any 3D effects, I think it'd look great flat.

I will take out the apostrophe and will show you a version without bevel. I understand what u mean. I just personally think the bevel favours the map aesthetically

t-o-m wrote:- the dotted lines which are attack routes don't fit thematically as well. This is just an idea, but maybe think about how the ships may have been sailed. For example, the route from Timor to Goa, maybe the ship wouldn't have gone straight arcoss the ocean, but contoured the land somewhat? And perhaps a ship makes a navigation error between Guine Bissau and Angola, or Filipinas and Peru, and so the dotted line does a loop de loop, for example ......I think this could add some humour and even more character to an already great looking map. As for the dots themselves, I'm not totally sold on the colours and I think the dots could have a tad more spacing between them. Have you tried using some lines instead? E.g. ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€”

No doubt the Sea routes are the one that im not totally satisfied with.Ill try some of your suggested options like the ------ instead of ......
Also like you the colour is not satisfying enough for me. i need to find the right balance for them
I guess you are right, maybe that route can go along the coast instead of going righ throught the ocean.It would look better(It actually went right through the ocean but not in goa direction, ive just created that connection so the wholo world could be "better connected"
As for the "humour mistakes", i tottally understand your idea but im not very fond of those kind of things. Maybe im just an old boring guy...heheh

t-o-m wrote:Hi Armandolas

This map is beautiful! I can't wait to play it!


Thank you very much for your words and comments.
They will definitly be usefull and will help the map to get bettert
Cheers mate
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:49 pm

Armandolas wrote:Can you please tell me a map/maps where you have a feature similar like that?

I used conditional borders in Krazy Kingdoms quite heavily. The game starts with you holding no land territories on the map and you have a choice of 4 territories you may assault from a 5th territory. Once you conquer one of those 4 then that 5th territory may not assault any other territories. If you happen to loose all territories on that main map then that assault once again opens up with that same choice of 4 territories you can assault.

Their are also several other instances of conditions on that map. Holding territories that border two blood towers to open the borders to the forbidden lands. Holding cosmic and two radiation to make all radiation territories adjacent etc...

So their are ways of making it so that a border opens when you have certain territories or the opposite where it closes if you hold certain territories. I am sure someone in the foundry would be glad to assist you in creating the proper logic in your xml.

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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:06 pm

Yep. At the time i asked the question there was no map using it.Now i can see a few and understand the concept.
But your map brings that, beyond limits of the imagination. Thats a "badmotherfucker" map.Hope you solve your issues and we get it open again for further testing ;)
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:48 pm

Armandolas wrote:Yep. At the time i asked the question there was no map using it.Now i can see a few and understand the concept.
But your map brings that, beyond limits of the imagination. Thats a "badmotherfucker" map.Hope you solve your issues and we get it open again for further testing ;)

Thanx =) we should have it reopened soon.

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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:32 am

Here it goes a test about the bevel on the mainland and some different styles for sea routes
I do prefer the bevel and the small ball route style

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby isaiah40 on Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:10 pm

This definitively has all the required elements for a draft, plus it is a great looking map, so ...
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Kabanellas on Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:11 pm

Woowww!! Congrats!!! =D> =D>
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby DearCyrus on Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:30 pm

Keep it up, Armandolas! =D>
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby Armandolas on Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:33 pm

isaiah40 wrote:This definitively has all the required elements for a draft, plus it is a great looking map, so ...

Kabanellas wrote:Woowww!! Congrats!!! =D> =D>

DearCyrus wrote:Keep it up, Armandolas! =D>

Thanks guys. Didnt have much time lately, but ill go back to in a few days ;)
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Re: Age of Discoveries: World for Two [28/10] [P2] [V4]

Postby sm8900 on Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:46 am

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Re: [Vacation - valid untillJAge of Discoveries: World for T

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:32 am


It would appear that development of this map has stalled. The map is moved to the Recycling Box and put into Vacation status for the next 6 months. If the mapmaker wants to continue with the map, then one of the Cartographer Assistants will be able to help put the thread back into the Foundry system, after an update has been made. ;-)
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Re: [Vacation - valid untill July 14]Age of Discoveries

Postby Armandolas on Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:11 am

After a deserved break Age of Discoveries is back :)

Ive changed mainly the sea routes and some the opacity in the port circles

To do: better connect the sea routes to the ports, graphically speaking

Click image to enlarge.
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